


項目 項目
W W 杯[World Cup]
WAC[Women"s Army Corps] WAN[wide area network]
WANO(ワノ)[World Association of Nuclear Operators] WARC(ワーク)[World Administrative Radio Conference]
WASP(ワスプ)[White Anglo-Saxon Protestant] WATS(ワッツ)[wide area telecommunications service]
WB1[bond with warrant attached] WB2[World Bank]
Wb[weber] WBA[World Boxing Association]
WBC[World Boxing Council] WC[water closet]
WCC[World Council of Churches] WCED[World Commission on Environment and Development]
WCL[World Confederation of Labour] WCO[World Customs Organization]
WCP[World Climate Program] WCRP1[World Climate Research Program]
WCRP2[World Conference on Religion and Peace] WCS[World Conservation Strategy]
WCY[World Communications Year] WDM[wavelength division multiplex]
W.E.A.[Workers" Educational Association] WEC[World Energy Council]
WECPNL[weighted equivalent continuous perceived noise level] WE-NET(ウィーネット)[World Energy Network]
WEU[Western European Union] WF[Wallis and Futuna Islands]
WFB[World Fellowship of Buddhists] WFC[World Food Council]
WFCC[World Federation for Culture Collection] WFP[World Food Program]
WFSW[World Federation of Scientific Workers] WFTU[World Federation of Trade Unions]
WFUNA[World Federation of United Nations Associations] WGC[World Gold Council]
Wh[watt-hour] WHO(フー)[World Health Organization]
WID(ウィッド)[women in development] WIDE[Widely Integrated Distributed Environment]
WIDER(ワイダー)[World Institute for Development Economics Research] WILPF[Women"s International League for Peace and Freedom]
WIPO(ウィポ,ワイポ)[World Intellectual Property Organization] WJC[World Jewish Congress]
WJL[water jet loom] WK[Wake Island]
WLL[wireless local loop] WLM[women"s liberation movement]
WMC[World Muslim Congress] WMD[weather merchandising]
WMO[World Meteorological Organization] WOCE(ウォース)[World Ocean Circulation Experiment]
WP[word processor] WPC1[wood-plastic combination]
WPC2[World Petroleum Congress] WPC3[World Population Conference]
WPI[wholesale price index] w.p.m.[words per minute]
WRC1[World Radiocommunication Conference] WRC2[World Rally Championship]
WRI[World Resources Institute] WS1[workstation]
WS2[world scale] WSJ[Wall Street Journal]
WSP[Women"s Strike for Peace] WTA[Women"s Tennis Association]
WTC[World Trade Center] WTDC[World Telecommunication Development Conference]
WTI[West Texas Intermediate] WTO1[Warsaw Treaty Organization]
WTO2[World Tourism Organization] WTO3[World Trade Organization]
WTSC[World Telecommunication Standardization Conference] W-VHS[double video home system]
WW 加工[wash-and-wear] WW I[World War One]
WW II[World War Two] WWB[Women"s World Banking]
WWF[Worldwide Fund for Nature] WWW1[World Weather Watch]
WWW2[world wide web] WYSIWYG(ウィジウィグ)[What You See Is What You Get]